Operation Christmas Child Collection Week

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We are collecting boxes for Operation Christmas Child during the week of November 14-21.

Someone will be available to collect your box during the following times:

Monday 11/14           7-9 pm

Tuesday 11/15          10am-12pm; 7-9 pm

Wednesday 11/16      7-9 pm

Thursday 11/17         10am-12pm; 7-9 pm

Friday 11/18               7-9 pm

Saturday 11/19          12-3 pm

Sunday 11/20            3-6 pm

Monday 11/21            4-7 pm

We still need some volunteers to fill those time slots, if you are interested in volunteering, click here.  


If you are interested in packing a shoebox, follow these simple steps:
1. Find a Shoebox. Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. If you want to wrap it, cover the box and lid separately.
2. Girl or Boy? Decide whether you will pack a box for a girl or a boy, and the age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14.
3. Fill with Gifts. Select a quality “wow” toy such as a doll, soccer ball with pump, or stuffed animal. Then add other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies.
4. Pray. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift. You can also include a personal note and photo.
5. Follow your box labels. Donate $7 online and receive a tracking label to follow your box and discover the destination of your shoebox gift
. 6. Drop-Off. Take your shoebox gift, to a local drop-off location during National Collection Week, November 14-21. We are a local drop-off location:  7 Sunny Way, Thurmont, MD




Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Worship: 11:00 AM

Bible Study: 7:00 PM